run_line_stats_sex, binning_array=array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]), SNR_min=3, frame='icrs')[source]

Merges, cleans and reformat clump catalogues (positive or negative) of different kernel widths. Also makes a DS9 region file for all clumps above a chosen threshold. Made to operate over all kernel half-widths for convenience.

  • sextractor_catalogue_name – Generic catalogue name for the field, excluding kernel half-width

  • binning_array – array of kernel half-width to process for the given field

  • SNR_min – Threshold SN to select clump detections


Saves region files (input name +”.reg”) and catalogues (input name +”.cat”) for later study