
Interferopy is based on two classes handling your reduced sub(-mm)/radio datacubes produced by imaging interferometric data. Two classes, Cube and MultiCube, are defined in Cube and MultiCube. Note that datacubes can be 2D (images), or 3D (e.g. with a spectral dimension).

from interferopy.cube import Cube, MultiCube


Open a single data cube saved in fits format with

cub = Cube("image.fits")

A 2D map is also considered a 3D cube, only with a single velocity channel. The Cube object gives quick access to useful properties and functions, for example

cub.freqs  # list of frequencies for each channel
cub.vels  # list of velocities for each channel [optionally provide a reference frequency]
cub.rms  # compute and return noise rms in each channel (usual units are Jy/beam)
cub.beam  # beam sizes (resolution in arcsec), e.g., cub.beam["bmaj"]
cub.pixsize  # pixel size in arcsec

Access to the image data is provided via  # image, entire data cube[px, py, ch]  # a pixel value in a specific channel (one voxel)[px, py, :]  # single pixel spectrum along the cube[:, :, ch]  # 2D map of a single channel
cub.head  # original fits image header

Converting between pixel and celestial coordinates (usually equatorial coordinate system, in the ICRS or J2000 epoch) is performed with

cub.wcs  # world coordinate system object
px, py = cub.radec2pix(ra, dec)  # pixel to ra/dec coordinates (degrees)
ra, dec = cub.pix2radec(px, py)
ch = cub.freq2pix(freq)  # pixel (channel) to frequency coordinates
freq = cub.pix2freq(ch)

Extract aperture flux density with the Cube.spectrum method, for example

flux, err, n_pix, peak_sb = cub.spectrum(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=1.5, calc_error=True) # r=1.5" aperture
flux, err, _, _ = cub.spectrum(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=0, calc_error=True) # single pixel spectrum extraction
flux, err, _, _ = cub.spectrum(radius=1.5 calc_error=True) # center of the cube, r=1.5" aperture

Omitting the coordinates assumes the central pixel position, which is useful for a quick look at the data, especially in targeted observations, where the source is usually in the phase center. Setting the radius to zero yields a single pixel spectrum.

On top of the aperture-integrated flux and error, Cube.spectrum also returns the number of pixels in the aperture as well as the peak value in the aperture (which is especially useful to a peak SNR value in 2D maps).

When the Cube loads a 2D image, Cube.spectrum returns simply a single flux / error value.

Additional convenience wrapper functions exist (derived from the Cube.spectrum method).

flux = cub.single_pixel_value()  # returns value(s) at the central pixel
flux = cub.aperture_value(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=0.5)  # integral within a circular aperture of r=0.5"
flux, err = cub.aperture_value(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=0.5, calc_error=True)

To find the best aperture size that encompasses the entire source, one can search for a saturation point in the curve of growth (cumulative flux density as a function of aperture radius). Obtain it with the` Cube.growing_aperture() method. This operates on a single channel only (must set the freq or the channel parameter). The same function implements the ability to compute azimuthally averaged radial profile.

r, flux, err, _ = cub.growing_aperture(ra=ra, dec=dec, freq=freq, maxradius=5, calc_error=True)
r, profile, err, _ = cub.growing_aperture(ra=ra, dec=dec, freq=freq, calc_error=True, profile=True)

Again, convenience wrapper functions exist (derived from the Cube.growing_aperture method).

r, flux = cub.aperture_r()  # use the central pixel, the first channel, and the maxradius of 1" by default
r, profile = cub.profile_r()


During the imaging process (e.g., using CASA task tclean), several cubes are produced, which all pertain to the same dataset and the same observed source. The MultiCube is a container, a dictionary-like class that can hold multiple cubes simultaneously. This class also defines functions that operate on multiple cubes, such as the primary beam correction or the residual scaled aperture integration (see Appendix A of Novak et al. (2019) , and references therein).

Loading the MultiCube object is performed with

mcub = MultiCube("image.fits")

If a specific naming convention is used, it will load automatically other available cubes in the same directory, such as the image.dirty.fits, image.residual.fits, image.pb.fits, and so on. This behavior can be overriden, and the cubes can be loaded manually

mcub = MultiCube("image.fits", autoload_multi=False)  # open the first map
# mcub = MultiCube()  # alternatively, intialize an empty container
# mcub.load_cube("/somewhere/cube.fits", "image")
mcub.load_cube("/elsewhere/cube.dirty.fits", "dirty")
mcub.load_cube("/elsewhere/cube.residual.fits", "residual")

Specific cubes are accessed via their keys:

mcub.loaded_cubes  # list of loaded cubes
cub = mcub["image"]  # return a Cube object
cub = mcub.cubes["image"]  # same as above

Analogous to Cube.spectrum and Cube.growing_aperture methods available for a Cube object, the MultiCube object has MultiCube.spectrum_corrected and MultiCube.growing_aperture_corrected. These methods perform aperture integration that takes into account the ill-defined hybrid units of the cleaned maps. They require loaded image, residual, and dirty cubes (best to have the pb cube as well).

flux, err, tab = mcub.spectrum_corrected(ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=1.5, calc_error=True)
r, flux, err, tab = mcub.growing_aperture_corrected(ra=ra, dec=dec, maxradius=5, calc_error=True)

These methods perform both the residual scaling correction, and the primary beam correction (can be turned off with apply_pb_corr=False). The tab will contain a Table object with additional technical information, such as the aperture integrated values from individual cubes, the clean-to-dirty beam ratio, number of pixels or beams in the aperture, and so on.

Reference API

interferopy.cube Module



Cube object represents interferometric data such as a map (2D) or a cube (3D).

MultiCube([filename, autoload_multi])

A container like object to hold multiple cubes at the same time.